Friday, August 9, 2013

Obstetrics and Gynecology 7th Edition, Charles Beckmann

Obstetrics and Gynecology 7th Edition by Charles Beckmann, William Herbert, Douglas Laube and Frank Ling aligns with the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics' (APGO) educational objectives, upon which most clerkship evaluations and final exams are based and provides key features for self-assessment, including USMLE-style questions.

All chapters have been thoroughly updated by a panel of Junior Fellowsin the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and reviewed by renowned educators and practitioners. This is the only clerkship book on the market fully compliant with ACOG guidelines, treatment recommendations, and committee opinions.

Over 2,000 questions in vignette format help in USMLE preparation, and over 100 new clinical cases hone readers' diagnostic skills. Each chapter begins with primary objectives and all are carefully edited for consistency of presentation. Twenty-five new line drawings by original artist Joyce Lavery help clarify the text. The chapters are brief and focused, allowing for concentrated reading.

Intended as a source and study guide for medical students, the book effectively uses APGO educational topics to provide a concise but thorough overview of obstetrics and gynecology. An extensive question bank, both on paper and CD, accompanies the book. Edited by a professor and chairman of emeritus of obstetrics and gynecology at SUNY, this book is effectively geared towards medical students in their clerkships, exploring basic topics in obstetrics and gynecology every student should know.

The book is divided into obstetrics, general gynecology, reproductive endocrinology and infertility, and neoplasia, with additional chapters covering anatomy, ethics, violence against women, and human sexuality. Each broad topic is divided into short, focused chapters that can be quickly referenced and reviewed. Although on the whole the topics are appropriate, outdated or rare procedures are occasionally discussed in detail, especially in the obstetrics section. The artwork is superb, although the charts are occasionally confusing and difficult to interpret.

Overall, this is an excellent review of obstetrics and gynecology for the medical student clerkship. The APGO-oriented approach provides for concise review and quick reference of material. The artwork is skillfully done, clarifying anatomy and procedures described in the text. The question bank is also useful as a guide, although less shelf-like than other available review books.

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